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个人简介:主要从事实验核物理和核技术方面的研究工作。在国际大科学装置上开展国际前沿问题研究。是日本大阪大学核物理研究中心RCNP、东京大学核科学研究中心CNS、意大利核物理国家研究院Legnaro国家实验室INFN-LNL实验的负责人。同时在中科院近代物理研究所加速器国家实验室和中国原子能科学研究院串列加速器国家实验室也从事实验研究。先后前往俄罗斯Tomsk大学、日本东京大学、日本大阪大学、日本理化学研究所、日本千叶县重离子治癌中心、德国GSI、法国巴黎南大学和意大利LNL研究所进行学术交流和访问研究。主持和承担国家自然科学基金面上项目和重点项目多项,完成博士后基金1项。在PhysisLetter B、PhysicalReview C和NuclearInstruments and Methods A等国际知名期刊上发表论文50余篇,引用340余次,主编教材1本。主讲《近代物理实验》、《辐射剂量与防护》和《加速器原理与粒子探测技术》课程,主持教改项目7项、精品课建设1项,发表实验教学研究论文19篇。
【1】 G. L. Zhang, et al., Angular distribution of elastic scattering induced by17Fon medium-mass target at energies near the Coulomb barrier, Physical Review C97 (2018) 044618.
【2】 G. L. Zhang, et al., One-neutron stripping processes toexcited states of90Y* in the89Y(6Li,5Li)90Y*reaction, Physical Review C 97 (2018) 014611.
【3】 W. W. Qu,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), et al., Repulsive three-body force and channel-coupling effects via12C+12C scattering at 100A MeV, Physical Review. C 95, (2017) 044616.
【4】 M. F. Guo,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), et al., Negligible suppression of the complete fusion of6,7Lion light targets at energies above the barrier, Physical Review C 94 (2016)044605.
【5】 S. P. Hu,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者) , et al., One-neutron stripping processes to the excited states of the6Li +96Zr reaction at near-barrier energies, Phys. Rev.C 93, (2016) 014621.
【6】 Qu W W,G. L.Zhang(通讯作者), et al., Effects of repulsive three-body force in12C +12Cscattering at 100A MeV, Phys. Lett. B 751 (2015) 1.
【7】 C. L. Guo,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), Coupling effects on the fusion of6Li +154Smat energies slightly above the Coulomb barrier, Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 014615.
【8】 S. P. Hu,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), et al., Small suppression of the complete fusion of the6Li+96Zrsystem at near-barrier energies, Phys. Rev. C 91 (2015) 044619.
【9】 W. W. Qu,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), Comparative studies of Coulomb barrier heights for nuclear modelsapplied for sub-barrier fusion. Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014) 064603.
【10】 G. L. Zhang, et al., Systematic analysis of the effect of apositive Q-value neutron transfer in fusion reactions, Phys. Rev. C89 (2014)054602.
【11】 X. P. Yang,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), et al., Systematic study of reaction functions of weakly bound nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 014603.
【12】 S. P. Hu,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), et al., A powerful combination of a charged particle array and ahigh-resolution gamma spectrometer for exploring the fusion reaction mechanismsinduced by weakly bound nuclei. Accepted by Nuclear Instrument and Methods inPhysics Research A.
【13】 G. X.Zhang, G. L. Zhang (通讯作者), et al., The calibration of elastic scatteringangular distribution at low energies on HIRFL-RIBLL, Nuclear Instrument andMethods in Physics Research A 846 (2017) 23.
【14】 W. W. Qu,G.L. Zhang(通讯作者), et al., Detector system for the angular distribution measurement of12C+12Celastic scattering at 200-400A MeV, Nuclear Instrument and Methods A 832 (2016)243.