姓名: 王小平(副教授,博导)
长期从事新物理的理论研究,包括寻找超出标准模型新粒子、暗物质理论模型与探测方法、中微子理论模型与非标准相互作用探测、希格斯粒子物理、加速器和非加速器上新物理探测等。在包括《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters)在内的粒子物理国际知名刊物上发表学术论文32篇,总引用1400多次。论文结果有重要的学术影响力,得到国际同行的高度认可,成果被APS美国物理学会等网站报道,被实验组关注和引用。多次受邀做国际大会报告。
2009-2014, 北京大学 红世一足官方网 博士
2005-2009, 北京师范大学 材料科学与工程系 学士
2020-今, 红世一足官方网 准聘副教授
2017-2020, 美国阿贡国家实验室 博士后
2014-2017, 德国美因茨大学 博士后
Inspire 链接
Frontier of physics 青年编委
【1】 “ALP explanation to the muon (g-2) and its test at future Tera-Z and Higgs factories”
J. Liu, Xiaolin Ma, Lian-Tao Wang andX. P. Wang(通讯作者)
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 9, 095016 [arXiv:2210.09335 [hep-ph]].
【2】 “Heavy long-lived coannihilation partner from inelastic Dark Matter model and its signatures at the LHC”
J. Guo, Y. He, J. Liu andX. P. Wang
JHEP 04, 024 (2022)[arXiv:2111.01164 [hep-ph]].
【3】 “ν scalar in the early Universe and (g-2)μ”
J. Liu, N. McGinnis, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang(通讯作者)
Phys. Rev. D 105, no.5, L051702 (2022)[arXiv:2110.14665 [hep-ph]].
【4】 “Searching for lepton portal dark matter with colliders and gravitational waves”
J. Liu,X. P. Wangand K. P. Xie
JHEP 06 (2021), 149[arXiv:2104.06421 [hep-ph]].
【5】 “Challenges for a QCD Axion at the 10 MeV Scale”
J. Liu, N. McGinnis, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang(通讯作者)
JHEP 05 (2021), 138[arXiv:2102.10118 [hep-ph]].
【6】 “The scale of superpartner masses and electroweakino searches at the high-luminosity LHC ”
J. Liu, N. McGinnis, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang(通讯作者)
JHEP 12 (2020), 087[arXiv:2008.11847 [hep-ph]].
【7】 “Reexamining the Solar Axion Explanation for the XENON1T Excess”
C.Gao, J.Liu, L.T.Wang,X.P.Wang(通讯作者), W.Xue and Y.M.Zhong
Phys.Rev.Lett. 125 (2020) no.13, 131806 [arXiv:2006.14598]
【8】 “Searching for the Higgsino-Bino Sector at the LHC”
J.Liu, N.McGinnis, C.E.M.Wagner and X.P.Wang(通讯作者)
JHEP 2009 (2020) 073[arXiv:2006.07389]
【9】 “Enhancing Sensitivities to Long-lived Particles with High Granularity Calorimeters at the LHC”
J.Liu, Z.Liu, L.T.Wang and X.P.Wang (通讯作者)
JHEP 2011 (2020) 066[arXiv:2005.10836]
【10】 “A light scalar explanation of and the KOTO anomaly”
J.Liu, N.McGinnis, C.E.M.Wagner and X.P.Wang(通讯作者)
JHEP 2004 (2020) 197 [arXiv:2001.06522]
【11】 “Seeking for sterile neutrinos with displaced leptons at the LHC”
J. Liu, Z. Liu, L. T. Wang andX. P. Wang(通讯作者)
JHEP 1907, 159 (2019) [arXiv:1904.01020]
【12】 “Co-Interacting Dark Matter”
J. Liu,X. P. Wang(通讯作者)and W. Xue
Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.12, 123012 [arXiv:1902.02348]
【13】 “A light complex scalar for the electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments”
J. Liu, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang(通讯作者)
JHEP 1903, 008 (2019) [arXiv:1810.11028]
【14】 “A ν Solution to the Strong CP Problem”
M. Carena, D. Liu, J. Liu, N. R. Shah, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang
Phys.Rev. D100 (2019) no.9, 094018 [arXiv:1904.05360 ]
【15】 “ What can We Learn from Triple Top-Quark Production?”
Q. H. Cao, S. L. Chen, Y. Liu andX. P. Wang
Phys. Rev. D 100, no. 5, 055035 (2019) [arXiv:1901.04643]
【16】 “A Light Higgs at the LHC and the B-Anomalies”
D. Liu, J. Liu, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang
JHEP 1806 (2018) 150 [arXiv:1805.01476 [hep-ph]]
【17】 “Exposing Dark Sector with Future Z-Factories”
J. Liu, L. T. Wang,X. P. Wang(通讯作者) and W. Xue
Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) no.9, 095044 [ arXiv:1712.07237]
【18】 “Bottom-quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry, Dark Matter and the LHC “
D. Liu, J. Liu, C. E. M. Wagner andX. P. Wang
Phys. Rev. D 97, no. 5, 055021 (2018) [arXiv:1712.05802 ]
【19】 “X-Ray Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation at the keV Scale”
V. Brdar, J. Kopp, J. Liu andX. P. Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, no. 6, 061301 (2018) [arXiv:1710.02146 ]
【20】 “Fuzzy Dark Matter and Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions”
V. Brdar, J. Kopp, J. Liu, P. Prass andX. P. Wang
Phys. Rev. D 97, no. 4, 043001 (2018) [ arXiv:1705.09455]